About us

Art Office is registered as a foundation for public benefit engaged with the promotion and circulation of non-commercial productions of the performing arts (theatre, dance, and music). It works with Bulgarian artists and their artistic production and has activities in Bulgaria and abroad.
Art Office also provides educational services, organization of cultural programs, consultations, and implements surveys and studies.
Its most important long-term projects are Art in Motion (a small grants scheme for touring within Bulgaria) and the US/BG Artistic Exchange Program, which stimulates the contacts and exchange between young and emerging artists from the two countries.
In 2017, Art Office celebrated its 10 anniversary.

To influence the diversity and quality of Bulgarian cultural life
…by ensuring easier and wider access of the audience to a variety of contemporary non-commercial art productions;
To improve the institutional development of Bulgarian artist, art groups and organizations
…by introducing professional art marketing practices for promotion and circulation of art productions;
To increase the value of art funding
…by introducing more market-oriented methods of art promotion.
Some of our projects
Art Office also aims
To arouse, develop and maintain the interest of the audience in contemporary non-commercial art works and catch the attention of young people;
To stimulate the institutional development of the Bulgarian art scene and contribute to more varied and inventive art funding sources and methods;
To play a positive role in the promotion of non-commercial Bulgarian art abroad.
How we work

Art Office plans its activities within the yearly season of artistic events.
Its programs are open to Bulgarian performing artists and companies on a regular basis (no specific deadlines are applicable).
If you’re looking for a reliable partner in Bulgaria, drop us a line at artofficesofia@gmail.com